Incorporating LSI Into Your Web Site Marketing Strategies

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Incorporating LSI Into Your Web Site Marketing Strategies

If you want your web site to be a success, your web site marketing strategies must keep up with the changes made by various search engines. Search engine marketing is constantly evolving, and webmasters need to evolve with it. Search engine marketing changes that must be addressed and incorporated into your marketing strategies for increased web site traffic include Latent Semantic Indexing, also known as LSI.

What is LSI?

Patented in 1988, LSI was first incorporated into Google’s ranking system in 2006. The LSI concept is groundbreaking for search engine marketing and web site marketing strategies because it changes the way a search engine interprets and ranks web pages. With the old ranking system, relevant pages were determined by keywords and keyword phrases alone. If the search engine didn’t find any keywords, the page was considered irrelevant to the user, and ranked accordingly. This left many webmasters scrambling to jam their pages with keywords for increased web site traffic.

Changing Your Web Site Marketing Strategies

LSI significantly changes the way webmasters need to use search engine marketing for increased web site traffic, because the search engine will be looking at a page in the same way a human does—concentrating on content and relevancy, and essentially classifying the web page as a whole.

For webmasters who use web site marketing strategies that rely heavily on pages that incorporate only one keyword or keyword phrase, and do not include other content that is semantically close and relevant, this could be a problem, and may result in decreased rather than increased web site traffic. Webmasters, who on the other hand, have developed web pages and web site marketing strategies that rely on natural content that incorporates both keywords and keyword alternatives, should have no problem. They will see increased web site traffic without having to change their search engine marketing techniques.

If you are wondering how you can implement web site marketing strategies that achieve increased web site traffic and are more compatible with LSI, you should focus on creating quality content that includes keywords, keyword alternatives, and mixed anchor text. Including variation and words that relate to the general theme of the page will be the best technique you can employ now that the rules of search engine marketing have changed.

The key is to move forward and not get frustrated with the change. LSI is a positive step for search engines and webmasters alike. By gearing your web site marketing strategies to compliment the changes, you can create a better web site and get the increased web site traffic you need to be a success.

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